


Ceramics are deeply rooted in our daily lives, and high-quality products need creative designers who understand materials and their functions. Central European regions have a long tradition in this field and offer business opportunities for young artists and designers. The aim of the project is to share international experience from the region and doing business in the ceramics and porcelain industry field and to support young artists in the field of ceramics in the development of their work and business. The Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, together with important foreign partners, participates in the analysis of the needs of creatives and entrepreneurs in this area, creating a marketing strategy for the development of this creative industry, thus we organise ceramics/porcelain workshops to expand skills and techniques in working with materials, but also to support the start-up businesses of young artists, and we co-create the inspiring international portal, Ceramics in Europe, with a virtual library and gallery of the most interesting ceramic creative work pieces from the past and present.

Programme: Interreg Central Europe

Main project implementer: Porzellanikons Selb (DE)

Project partners: Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art + Faculty of Economics - University of West Bohemia (CZ), Muzeum Ceramiki w Boleslawcu (PL), Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza – Fondazione onlus (IT), New Design University Privatuniversität GesmbH (A), Narodni muzej Slovenije (SLV), Technische Universiät Ilmenau (DE), Závod za turizem in kulturo Kranj (SLV)

Project implementation period: 5/2019 – 4/2022

Project website: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/CerDee.html

Ceramics in Europe Portal: https://www.ceramicsineurope.eu/