The audiovisual installation Pavučina (Spider Web) captures the dramatic nocturnal life of insects under streetlights. Drawn to the white glow, insects wander in vain, unable to fulfill their natural purpose, and ultimately become prey for spiders that strategically weave their webs around the lights. Through artistic expression, the work highlights the environmental impact of inappropriate public lighting and its role in the degradation of insect ecosystems.
Ladislav Sutnar Gallery 27. 2. → 2. 4. 2025
The exhibition, prepared by students of the Environmental Design for Architecture studio under the guidance of Ing. arch. Dana Příhodová, Ph.D., will be open to the public until April 2, 2025.
The Pavučina (Spider Web) installation is also part of the Blik Blik light festival.
February 27 – April 2, 2025
Ladislav Sutnar Gallery
February 26 at 6 PM