All the follow-up master’s study fields at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art are accredited and taught in the Czech language. In addition to studies conducted in Czech language, a new Master's study programme in Visual Arts conducted in English will soon be available.
The standard period of follow-up master’s study in all the study programmes and their specialisations is 2 years.
The master's study is in the regular attendance format, and the MgA. (Master of Fine Arts) degree is earned upon successful completion of the study.
Foreign applicants may use the Czech language preparatory courses provided by the Institute of Language Training of the University of West Bohemia.
MgA. study admission requirements / studies in Czech language
The following requirements apply to the study admission:
- Submission of a duly completed electronic application
- Submission of the authenticated copy of a university diploma confirming an earned bachelor’s or master's degree. If you graduated from a university abroad, provide an original or authenticated copy of the decision on the recognition of foreign university education and a copy of a foreign-language university diploma.
- Successful passing of the entrance talent exam (evaluation of the portfolio of current creative work)
How to Apply
- Applications are accepted only electronically, at eprihlaska.zcu.cz
- Fill-out required information
- Submit to the study department an authenticated copy of the university diploma or the original certificate of study at the university where you currently study, indicating the expected date of the state final examination and degree award
- Administrative application fee is not required
It is only possible to submit one application to one studio or programme. Therefore, careful preparation is better than shooting from the hip. Browse the website of the studios and artists who lead them, come to the Open Day, try the preparatory course at the ArtCamp summer school, or book a free consultation with a selected teacher.
If the studio committee does not evaluate your portfolio or style of work as suitable for admission to the studio of your choice, do not despair. You still have a chance. Following the recommendation of one studio committee, your work may be assessed by other studio committees within the entire programme. And it may be a hit! Therefore, when considering the application, also research the other studios forming the entire study programme.
The Entrance Exam
The admission procedure is completed in one round.
You will come to the faculty in person and bring a portfolio mapping your current work and a proposal of a project, which you intend to work on during your studies. The portfolio format is determined by individual studios, please check the requirements before preparing your portfolio.
There will be a motivational interview regarding your portfolio and previous study, professional and life experiences. It is also necessary to document the results of the previous studies, trophies from the competitions you participated in and achievements in the professional field to the studio committee.
The faculty committee decides on the study admission.
The portfolio, motivational interview and achieved professional results are scored. The resulting evaluation shall take the form of admitted/rejected. The studio cannot accept all the applicants. It is governed by the quota stipulated by the faculty or the faculty committee. And it, in turn, is subordinate to the university’s decision on the total number of persons admitted to study at the faculty. These issues also influence whether or not you are eventually admitted. However, your talent is the most important thing. The applicants’ scores are strictly secret. Only you can view the evaluation of your performance through a unique login.
The Entrance Exam is over. What now?
To enrol in the faculty, you must submit an authenticated copy of the university diploma. If you graduated from a university abroad, provide an authenticated copy of the decision on the recognition of foreign university education and a copy of a foreign-language university diploma.